Meetup tomorrow night

The Triangle blogging season has started, so I hope many of you locals and visitors join us for the first meetup of the year:

The Durham bloggers meetup will be the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm at Tyler's Tap Room in the American Tobacco Warehouse District. First meetup will be Sept.12th. Anton will coordinate. Duke is rapidly taking to blogging, and we've discovered some cool food bloggers in Durham -- and Pam Spaulding has represented the city well -- so we hope this meetup gets good attendance.

I bet there will be a lot of science and health bloggers there! What with Anton's new job, and the recent growth of Duke student blogging: see these young, new bloggers for instance, as well as the already established bloggers like Abel, Sheril, Eric and Sarah, to name just a few (see more on top of this page), this is going to be a fun evening, so join us tomorrow night at 6pm.

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The first blogger meetup of the season will be this Wednesday, September 12th, at 6pm at Tyler's Tap Room in the American Tobacco Warehouse District. Come in large numbers, bring your friends! To stay informed about this and other local bloggy events, sign up for the BlogTogether mailing list.
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