
Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk.

- Doug Larson

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As Kate notes, I am a paid-up member of this year's Worldcon, and thus entitled to nominate works for the Hugo Awards. Of course, there are a zillion categories, and I'm not entirely sure what to nominate for any of them. So, if you are a reader or watcher of science fiction and/or fantasy, this is…
If you listen to people talking about (or read people blogging about) new ways of doing things, you'll frequently hear references to Science or Academia as if they were vast but monolithic entities existing in their own right. Statements like "The culture of Science does not reward open access..."…
It's another travel day for me tomorrow — I'm off to Skepticon II in Springfield, Missouri, where I'll be joining a whole group of interesting people. I notice I'm going to be giving two talks (hey, JT, nice surprise!), which shouldn't be a problem. The first one is going to be important: I'll be…
Abel has a thoughtful post on the horrific faculty meeting shooting at University of Alabama Huntsville this past Friday. New information seems to come out every few hours on the shooter, Dr. Amy Bishop, a biologist at the university who had been denied tenure, and I'm nowhere near ready to weigh…