DonorsChoose Update 3

The DonorsChoose fundraiser is in full swing here on As always, Janet's blog is the Information Center for the drive, and you can also check Dave's graphs as well.

As you know, Seed Media Group is matching $15,000 of your donations. The Overlords have also announced some additional prizes!

* 21 "Seed Hearts Threadless" tee shirts
* 21 ScienceBlogs mugs
* 21 subscriptions to Seed magazine
* 9 copies of "The Best American Science Writing 2007"

These prizes will be divided into three thirds and each third will be given on one of the next three weeks for that week's donors. In the end, all of the donors from the entire month will be eligible for the big prize:

* 1 fresh, new iPod nano

To be eligible for prizes, you need to donate to any of the scienceblogs challenges and turn in your receipts at:

And if you donate through my challenge (currently 40% funded) and send me yoru receipts, you will be eligible for additional prizes, for instance this t-shirt sporting the beautiful banner of my blog:

i-56522e7144428a7f8d89d49eb33cd781-ABATC T-shirt.jpg

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