Skeptic's Circle

Skeptics' Circle #72 is up on The Quackometer and is very funny!


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This has been a bad week at skeptics' school. Apparently, skeptical bloggers have been misbehaving left and right. Apparently we as the skeptical blogosphere have been very, very naughty indeed. Worse, the essays that we've handed in are apparently not pleasing to the teacher. Worst of all, we've…
I've been very, very bad at keeping up with all the carnivals, so here's a quick roundup. Carnival of the Liberals #15 I and the Bird #26 Carnival of Education #72 Skeptics' Circle #37 Carnival of Feminists #17 Circus of the Spineless seeks submissions! As usual, talk about whatever you want in…
Yes, it's that time again, time for the latest edition of the Skeptics' Circle to land on the blogosphere like a nuclear explosion of reason, rationality, and science designed to demolish the credulity that is so rampant. OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, but we here at the Skeptics' Circle do try to do…
The newest Tangled Bank will be at rENNISance woman on Wednesday, so send those links in to me or soon. Meanwhile, you could read these other carnivals: Humanist Symposium #17 Circus of the Spineless I and the Bird #72 Skeptics' Circle #84 Friday Ark #186