This is the 4000th post on this blog. I wish they were all long, smart and thoughtful like this one....

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Of course the 4000th US combat death in Iraq is an artificial milestone. It's not different than the 10th or the 3999th or what will for certain be the 4010th, a human being in the prime of life who is alive now but won't be by the end of next week. But the number 4000 is a symbol that stands for…
I generally resist doing the meme thing, but I saw this one over at See Jane Compute and I liked the idea of it. It's the year in review, by taking the first sentence of the first blog post of each month. So here goes: January I wonder if Executive Creative Director Don Schneider, of BBDO, (my…
Is it something about wholeness? Or milestones? But we certainly do like round numbers. Of course, our numbers are social constructs. Our days and years are determined by the planet we are living on. Our number system is decimal presumably because we all start our early-years arithmetic by…
It's unbelievable, the company I somehow manage to keep in this blog neighborhood: Rob Knop of Galactic Interactions is one of the cosmologists today awarded a portion of this year's Gruber Prize in Cosmology. Since pretty much the second he hung out his ScienceBlogs shingle, Rob has regularly been…