The benefits of Open Access Publishing for students in higher education (video):
Most students in higher education have some experience with Open Access when doing their deskresearch. They appreciate the free access of scholar publications on the World Wide Web.
But students in higher education also develop their competences as junior researchers and publishers. Can Open Access Publishing help them to get some reputation in the international academic society? And how appreciate they the readers' feedback on papers published on the internet?
The Millennium Generation has grown up with free accessible information. They are supposed to embrace the idea of Open Access Publishing. However, students also may be anxious for publishing (preprints of) their papers, for instance for copyright reasons. It seems that good communication about the possibilities of Open Access Publishing by their educators (tutors, professors and librarians!) is very important. Peter Becker and Jos van Helvoort, professors teaching Library and Information Science in the Netherlands, would appreciate to discuss these topics with an international public.
Hat-tip and commentary: Peter Suber
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