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Quantum Loonies Alán Aspuru-Guzik Brissie to Brizzle Cohærence* Complementary Slackness David Deutsch's Blog not exactly in focus Physics and cake Quantized Thoughts Quantum Algorithms Quantum Moxie Quantum Quandries rdv live from Tokyo Shtetl-Optimized we don't need no "sticking" room…
Mark Twain sez, It is surmised by the biographers that the young Shakespeare got his vast knowledge of the law and his familiar and accurate acquaintance with the manners and customs and shop-talk of lawyers through being for a time the CLERK OF A STRATFORD COURT: just as a bright lad like me,…
Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time: How would Einstein use e-mail? College students are not as intelligent and Smarter people go to college, so average university students less intelligent? How blogging has augmented my career More crappy flu journalism,…
I've been incredibly busy this term, but not so busy I couldn't create more work for myself. Specifically, by writing an opinion piece for Physics World about the FTL neutrino business, that just went live on their web site: The result quickly turned into one of the most covered physics stories of…