
How do you like the daily interviews?

I thought that would be great PR for the Conference - both with the interviewees saying nice things about it, and just showcasing what a nice bunch of people showed up this time around. Perhaps this will make more people think seriously about coming next year.

And I thought it would be nice when some of the people say nice things about science blogs,, Seed, PLoS, Open Access, me, etc.

And I thought that would be an easy way for me to get 40-something days worth of interesting posts without too much work.

But I never expected that I would enjoy reading them as much as I do. All the people are even more fascinating than I thought. Even people who I know well reveal something new I did not know before. Great fun for me!

Seven have been posted so far. I have 12 more lined up for the next 12 days, another seven I am waiting for answers from, and another 24 I still have to send questions to. I am sending them in a staggered way and publishing them in order I get them.

Just wondering if you all also enjoy reading them as much as I do?


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I think they're great and most enlightening.

I've been interviewed by the media dozens of times over the last 6 years.

a) I am quite often incorrectly quoted or quoted out of context
b) Little of what I say is actually used as is the norm

It was therefore most refreshing participating in an interview where I was quoted in full and in verbatim.

I'm also enjoying reading these and looking forward to more. Judging from what's been posted thus far, you're going to end up with a rather impressive collection !!

What can I say other than I agree completely. I wouldn't normally comment just to say that, but this set of interviews is one of the best introductions to new writing that I've seen. Great idea.