
Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.

- Garrison Keillor

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Garrison Keillor has done it again: he's written another insipid article loaded with casual bigotry, this time against gays. I'm pleased to see that Dan Savage has savaged him, so I don't need to go on at length. However, this really isn't the first time Keillor has done this—he has a history of…
I don't know if Garrison Keillor is anti-semitic and I don't really care, but the question was raised by his Christmas editorial at After reading it last month I decided I had nothing to say about it. Who really cares what Garrison Keillor says, right? This morning I was on my way to…
People are already talking about Garrison Keillor's ghastly opinion piece, the one that basically revels in anti-semitism and preaches that only a select few are allowed to enjoy Christmas. Unitarians listen to the Inner Voice and so they have no creed that they all stand up and recite in unison,…
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just remember that April 2nd is International Clock-brain awareness day:

Fight clock-brain!

For two seconds on April 2nd at noon turn off all of your clocks! No need to consult your timetables, wrist watches, international time zone guides, or sun dials. Let your friends know! Create a worldwide rally against clock-brain! Only together can we find a cure.