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Sometimes, it just takes a little sharp humor to clarify our current situation. Well, to understand the Sonia Sotomayor fracas you have to realize that the timespace confundulum has actually fractured into two frozen moments, one having to do with the sudden appearance of emotional, abrasive…
Saw this over at The Chem Blog. Couldn't help offering my own spin on it. Chem Blog needs some serious shoe-puking. I recommend you read the original, then my version. It will be more fun that way. Oh god that is so freaking depressing isn't it? Reminds me of a sad story from when I was in…
Two of my favorite thinkers weigh in on the Miers nomination. So sayeth Radley Balko: On Monday, the Washington Post ran excerpts of a 1992 article Harriet Miers wrote for Texas Lawyer. I've read the thing several times, now. I haven't the foggiest idea what it's actually about. Or advocating. Or…
I've noticed an interesting irony in the conservative backlash against the Miers nomination. Many of them are upset because they just don't know where Miers stands on issues like abortion, affirmative action, gay rights, and so forth. But weren't they telling us a few weeks ago that not only do…