Today's carnivals

The Boneyard XIII is up on Greg Laden's blog

International Carnival of Pozitivities 2.10 is up on Mshairi

Carnival of the Green # 122 is up on Agroblogger


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While the conference site is down and before the new one is built, I need, for myself, a list of blog carnivals I follow, so here I am putting it here for my own reference (let me know if I am missing a delightful and useful carnival - if you manage one of them, make sure I am on your mailing list…
The next Boneyard is going to be up at Greg Laden's place on Sunday, so if you've got something you want to be included get it to him or me within the next 24 hours. The carnival is also in need of a host for April 19th, so if you're up to it just let me know in an e-mail or here in the comments.
Scientia Pro Publica #7 is up on Greg Laden's blog Carnival of the Green #187 is up on Plant a Tree USA⢠Carnival of the Liberals #94 is up on Submitted To A Candid World