Today, Wednesday, June 11 at 6 to 8 pm, SCONC, the Science Communicators of North Carolina, meets NESCent, the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center:
Science communicators are invited to meet some NESCent researchers at the frontiers of evolutionary biology and hear from guest speaker Rob Pennock of Michigan State (who has appointments in evolutionary biology, computer science and ... philosophy?! Whoa.) talking about how evolution can be demonstrated in fast-forward by "digital organisms," a stroke he hopes will put creationism in retreat. Munchies and bevvies, of course. RSVP Kristin Jenkins
Location: Erwin Mill building, Bay A, 2024 W. Main St., Durham
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Next Monday at NESCent:
When: Monday November 16, 2009, 10-11:30am
Where: NESCent, 2024 W. Main St., Durham, NC 27705, Erwin Mill Bldg, Suite A103
What do public policy and economics have to do with evolutionary theory? A lot, say participants…
NESCent and SCONC:
What: November SCONC-fest
When: Thursday November 19th , 6-8pm
Where: National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham
Please join us to commemorate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of "The Origin of Species."
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If you report, or just try to keep up to date, on research in this region, you know about RTI International. In 1958, it was the founding tenant of North Carolina's Research Triangle Park. Today it's one of the largest research institutes on the planet.
At 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 8, RTI will…
I get e-mails about such events, so I thought I'd share, so you can attend some of these talks if you want:
NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott will be speaking twice in North Carolina shortly.
First, at 7:00 p.m. on January 27, she will be speaking on "Darwin's Legacy in Science and Society…
Unfortunately, I cannot make it, but I hope someone goes and blogs about it.