Happy Birthday!

i-a5c3d4258d480c8ecba4a081781534d7-convergesouth2006_007.jpgHappy birthday to Elizabeth Edwards, the most inspiring person on the US political scene since I started paying attention a couple of decades ago....


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Today's Raleigh News and Observer has a nice article about Elizabeth Edwards (the smartest of the 2004 Democratic candidate quartet), her battle with cancer and her new book (including a couple of short excerpts): Edwards emerges from cancer with grace: Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of former…
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I was originally going to switch it up and blog about something other than cancer. In fact, there is a particularly juicy bit of anti-vaccine nonsense that I wanted to write about because it shows the utter mendacity of a certain anti-vaccine website that, believe it or not, is not Age of Autism. I…

Is that really a picture o fyou next to E.E.?

(Moments later, they tackled you, right?)