
A week is a long time in politics.

- Harold Wilson

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That was last week, but I had no time to listen until now - check out the podcast (in the upper left corner of the page): In 1989, Dr. Harold Varmus won a Nobel Prize for his cancer research. He was director of the National Institutes of Health during the Clinton administration, and now heads the…
My traditional summer blogging break is fast approaching. It's the time of year when I take a 4-6 week break away from it all and recharge my blogging batteries. It's something I've done for years and it really works for me. One of the things I do during my break is try and read a lot of books.…
I know people come here to read about psychiatry, mental health, neuroscience, and political/social issues related to those topics.  No, scratch that, I have not idea why people come here.  But this post is straight politics.  Well, it's politics and a little sociological musing and opinion.…
This summer, I sat in with some big shots to discuss the future of science policy in an Obama Presidency, and of space policy in particular. One of the ideas I pushed, and which received general support, was the importance of a cabinet-level science advisor to the President, one who would be…