A new science blogging network - in Portuguese

La Blog Atorios is a new Brazilian science blog network (somewhat modeled after Seed scienceblogs.com):

Lablogatorios will start with 15 blogs (some more to come) with topics that range from Earth Sciences to Psychology. Our aim is to use blogs to boost scientific communication with the public in the portuguese language.

So, if you read Portuguese, go over there and start reading and commenting!


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If you find anything that you want translated let me know. Overall the quality of these Brazilian blogs is quite low, from what I could (quickly) read.

If you think there is something I'd be interested in, e.g, on the business of publishing, or on circadian rhythms, let me know.

Bora, thanks for blogging about our site!

Paulo, if you compare our blogs to the ones in ScienceBlogs, there will be a distinct difference in both quality and quantity. I believe this is a direct result of the number of science bloggers in the language.

Our site Lablogatorios (from the words laboratory + blog) intends to change this situation. I would definitely be interested to hear a more detail critic from you (there is a form in our site) or better: you could start blogging in portuguese as well and eventualy join our community.

@Bora: I';; keep an eye on it.

@Carlos: I'm not comparing the blogs to the ones in ScienceBlogs, because I also think some of the blogs here are really bad too. Who can stand PZ Meyers, for example? IMHO it is too late in the game to start a blog community (maybe not in Brazil, I admit) when people are shifting their focus and effort to "Web2.0" applications like Twitter, FriendFeed, etc.