Blogrolling for Today

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The blogroll toward the bottom of the sidebar on the left displays 15 random links from the list below. 10,000 Birds 3 Quarks Daily Abu Aardvark Acephalous Ad Hominin Advances in the History of Psychology All in the Mind Anna's Bones The Annotated Budak Bad Astronomy Bad Science…
Research Digest blog, the highly useful and content-rich site that tracks all things psych, just opened its "The Bloggers Behind the Blogs," series, which will run ten interviews with bloggers of mind and brain. It's with a nice interview of Jesse Bering, of Bering in Mind. It's a dandy line-up (of…
A few neuroscience blogs I've come across recently, most of them new: V1 Dr. Shock Frontal Blogotomy Neuronism NeuroTechnica NeuroWhoa! Persistent Activity
In a response to my post on his ridiculous equation of private and public forums, mynym has taken his own already-established absurdity and raised it to a whole new level. In response to my statement that "The Constitution's free speech provision applies to governments....", he replies, "But a…