Sarah Palin has a blog!

Well, not really, but someone is running a satirical blog named Welcome To The PalinDrome: Sarah Palin's Blog.

Humor and satire are important part of every campaign. While I may not find conservative humor funny (it is too often mean and targets the weak and defenseless), I understand that conservatives find it funny and it helps them rally their own troops. So do we on our side and there are some very funny bloggers out there. This spoof blog is part of that tradition.

What is the funniest is checking out the comments and seeing that some commenters, both Lefty and Righty, did not see that this an obvious spoof. And it is OBVIOUS! They post serious comments as if the blog was really Sarah Palin's ;-)

If they took just one second to look around, they would have noticed this note on the right sidebar there:

This site is a work of satire and is not affiliated with Sarah Palin in any way.

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Sarah Palin is a power monger who would do anything to get that #1 spot. I am afraid if they let her moose-hunting desperate housewife wannabe butt in the White House she will poison Mccain if not give him a heart attack by uncovering all her skeletons (lies)to the media. She is not the mother of that little ugly baby. She is not the mother of any children. They "mother" themselves! Their Myspace pages tell it all!
She is a failure as a person and a failure as a leader in general.

By Roseburner (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Your all a bunch of idiots, oh like Ms Clinton has more experience then Palin? Being first lady and a 1 term senator. How dumb are you ladies. This is your chance and your pissing it away. What other woman in this world is more experienced and has put men "the good old boys, in the back seat faster then Palin?" Your blowing it again! This is your chance and instead of supporting her your pissing this oppertunity away. You shoudl be ashamed of yourselves

By sara cohen (not verified) on 19 Sep 2008 #permalink

You all talk about change but are so afariad to give a WOMAN a real shot! Obama is full of crap ......all he is is a salesman in a suit, good talked and charmer..he would make a fortune selling ice to alaska ....Sara and John are what this country needs. You poor saps run by the media ...

By marcy klein (not verified) on 19 Sep 2008 #permalink