Art History bloggers?

I asked if anyone knows any art history blogs? I am aware of many history blogs, and some art blogs, but no art history blogs.

Neil responded with the discovery of this post - why have there been no great art history bloggers?

And then found two: Your Daily Art and The Art History Blog.

Anyone know any others?

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I'll take this as a challenge...
I have a blog but I have ignored it as I work on my thesis. I also very rarely write about Art History as I am in a Interdisciplinary program - Art History and Geography. I have a BA in Art History, concentrating on Medieval Art, specifically Italian and Islamic Art before 1200.

If you're looking for images the school has a nice site and I can provide a list of other sites too.

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

I'm sure you're already well aware of our very own art historian, bioephemera, whose well-researched posts (like this recent one) on artistic representations of science through history are presented with a surprisingly light touch. Her blog is perhaps not all art history, but I'd certainly count it in.

Here's another blog, The Earthly Paradise. Check out her posts for carnivals that lead to other blogs.
I looked at my blog and it's as bad as I thought. I started on a whim and never did anything else. Nevertheless, I have a couple of posts about one of my favorite topics, the mosaics of Ravenna. I'll will try to update on a weekly basis, but cannot make promises.
In the mean time, here's a little flash I did on my second favorite topic, the Cathedral of Modena.

Hi there -- I'm the owner of The Art History Blog, and very flattered that you linked my site! I, too, have been frustrated by the lack of art history blogs -- thus, why I created my own blog. But I've ammassed a few links that you might be interested in, which I've listed below. (Also, If any of you with art history blogs who have posted above would like to exchange links, I'd love to put your blogs up on my own site.)

Art Blog By Bob
Art History Newsletter
Art History Today
TIME's Looking Around

Hope these links prove helpful.

I realized that you posted this awhile ago, but I just wanted to add my art history blog to your comment list. As an art historian, I am also saddened by the lack of art history blogs. My blog consists of interesting anecdotes that I have come across in my research. I also write about my opinions regarding art and the field of art history.

If you are interested, you're welcome to add my link to your site:

Alberti's Window
