Bats, Bats, Bats!

i-e141f1df5152ba1d4dfd17b5bd9c5e76-Batman.jpgThis month's Theme Of The Month in PLoS ONE are bats! Midway between the release of Batman II and Halloween, this sounds like an appropriate choice. Peter Binfield provides more information.

A number of our bat papers have received media and blog coverage (and not just by Anne-Marie!), but it is never too late. Bloggers tend to write about the newest papers, fresh off the presses. But nothing stops you from going back and covering one of the older papers if you find it interesting. Perhaps you were just not aware of it before.

Here are some of our bat papers to date, showcasing the diversity and quality of chiropteran research in PLoS ONE:

Accelerated FoxP2 Evolution in Echolocating Bats

Echolocating Bats Cry Out Loud to Detect Their Prey

Bats Use Magnetite to Detect the Earth's Magnetic Field

Absent or Low Rate of Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus of Bats (Chiroptera)

The Perils of Picky Eating: Dietary Breadth Is Related to Extinction Risk in Insectivorous Bats

Bats' Conquest of a Formidable Foraging Niche: The Myriads of Nocturnally Migrating Songbirds

Bats Avoid Radar Installations: Could Electromagnetic Fields Deter Bats from Colliding with Wind Turbines?

i-15527c07cfbb257a829bbe22015ba710-bat.gifNutrition or Detoxification: Why Bats Visit Mineral Licks of the Amazonian Rainforest

Paracellular Absorption: A Bat Breaks the Mammal Paradigm

Evidence of Henipavirus Infection in West African Fruit Bats

Temporal Dynamics of European Bat Lyssavirus Type 1 and Survival of Myotis myotis Bats in Natural Colonies

Genomic Diversity and Evolution of the Lyssaviruses

Marburg Virus Infection Detected in a Common African Bat

As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers.

And if you work on bats, send your manuscripts to PLoS ONE. It is becoming quite a hub for bat papers and the people around them.

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