They asked for it

Josh Marshall:

Let's face it. Lipstick on a pig is a classic American phrase. And there's just no better way to describe the McCain-Palin ticket:



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Why has nobody posted a McCain picture doctored to show him wearing horrendously bright red lipstick?

Take the L out of Palin and all you have left is PAIN.

The manufactured uproar of the moment is that Obama somehow implied Palin was the pig in the 'lipstick on a pig' comment.

Of course anyone with a brain can see that
1) there was no reference to Palin at all.
2) If there were any reference to Palin it is the indirect implication that Palin is the lipstick and McCain the pig.

But I'm pretty sure #1 is far more true than #2.

Perhaps the lipstick shown here is at the wrong end?

By marc buhler (not verified) on 10 Sep 2008 #permalink

Think about what's happening for a minute.

Obama made a speech. The McCain campaign lifted a phrase from that speech and used it to their advantage. Now nobody is talking about Obama's legitimate criticism of McCain's policies. Instead, they are talking about whether Obama insulted McCain and Palin.

Bloogers are falling hook line and sinker for this manipulation by the McCain campaign and they've even been manipulated into making the perceived insult explicit. Shame on them.

McCain is holding his own because his campaign is completely outgunning the Obama team. Democrats everywhere should be embarrassed.

When is the last time you had anything positive to say about Barack Obama? He's turning out to be as boring as John Kerry.