Science Blogging 2008 London collection

Everything about the Science Blogging 2008 London conference can be found here and here.


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The London Science Blogging Conference is about to begin. Check out the Conference Programme the who's who list of attendees and the discussion in the Science Blogging 2008: London NN forums, a FriendFeed room and a Facebook page. We will be wathing closely, getting ideas, learning stuff, and…
Continuing with the introductions... I got some nice positive feedback about this series - makes it easier for people to get to know everyone little by little instead of digging through the entire list of everyone who's registered for the conference all at once. Rebecca Skloot is an accomplished…
Well, I cannot afford to go to Netroots Nation, I cannot fit NEW COMMUNICATION CHANNELS FOR BIOLOGY into my calendar, I do not have money for Science Blogging 2008: London, did not get an invitation to SciFoo 2008 and am unlikely to make it to National Conference on Science & Technology in Out-…
You can follow the conversation about the Conference by checking in, every now and then, the Blog and Media Coverage page on the wiki. The links to date can also be found under the fold... If you want your posts to be easily detected and included in the listing, please use '' as…