Help Biology teachers use blogs in the classroom

Miss Hoffman is using her blog for the second year in a row - she would like to see some guest-posts.

Miss Baker can use some of your help:

I would be excited to see scientists contribute to student-run science blogs! They could comment to student posts or submit their own post and converse with students. A conversation could continue with a video conference or an actual visit to the school. My students work so hard on their blog and would benefit greatly from input from scientists.

Perhaps we can get some of the science teachers with experience in using blogs in classrooms to bring their students to talk to us at the ScienceOnline'09 in January.

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Thank you for mentioning my blog! You've actually linked to my student blog once before and I can't tell you with just words how honored I am to be listed here.

My blog is managed by 9th grade biology students and AP biology students (11th & 12 grade). Scientists interested in contributing to the blog can email me at Also, you can just stop by the blog and leave a comment for my students!

I would love to bring some of my students to the conference! What a great idea! We live about 4 hours away so this is definitely doable for us.

Thanks for the link! You've always been very supportive and I appreciate that!
Now, to get my school to give me a day off so I can come to the conference... it's actually harder to get a substitute than you'd think, plus there's no money. But I'm working on it :)

Bring your students with you. Like Miss Frizzle: "Kids! Field Trip!"

Getting 85 kids through airport security? There are not enough margaritas in all of North Carolina :)

(seriously, I could probably get a handful to agree to go... it's the money thing that's a barrier. Any chance the conference will be ustreamed or something?)