Sarah Silverman rocks (NSWF)


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Note: This is a repost from my old site. Time to move it over. First, what is different about motion on the moon and on Earth? Since the moon has a smaller mass in spite of its smaller size*, the moon has a smaller gravitational field. The gravitational field on the surface of the moon is 1/6th…
Wayne Sutton (of 'Local Conversations') posted a great interview on the evolution of blogging with Anton Zuiker: Local Conversation interviews Anton Zuiker from waynesutton12 on Vimeo.
Beautiful video imagining the future of augmented, prosthetic sight, by Superflux for the Human+ exhibition: Song of the Machine from Superflux on Vimeo. You can read more about the science behind retinal prosthetics in a great article in the Guardian by one of the project collaborators, Dr.…