Clock Quotes

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

- Henry Ford

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Thanks to DrugMonkey for the reminder. We do this meme every year in December - the only rule is to "post the link and first sentence from the first blog entry for each month of the past year." Here we go (ClockQuotes are usually the first post of the day and thus of the month, so there is not…
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." -Henry Ford Back in 2003, a twin pair of rovers -- Spirit and Opportunity -- were launched from Earth to Mars. For no good reason at all, Opportunity has long been my favorite of the two. Image Credit: NASA / JPL, as…
The Guardian has run a front page editorial on the Copenhagen summit along with 56 papers in 20 languages. I read it at Real Climate who "takes no formal position" on its statements. I suppose it is to avoid the acusation of being political... Well, I have rarely read an editorial I agree with…
This, from adelady, is so well put I just had to highlight it. It is a response to the usual "we'll just deal with whatever climate change throws at us later" inactivist argument: The one thing we do have in our favour is our astounding intelligence - it's also astounding how we fail to use that…

I have a quote for you. It comes from Nassim Nicholas Taleb's The Black Swan , where it is the opening of chapter 13 (pg 201 in the hardback copy I got from the library) :

It is not a good habit to stuff one's text with quotations from prominent thinkers, except to make fun of them or provide a historical reference. They 'make sense,' but well-sounding maxims force themselves on our gullibility and do not always stand up to empirical tests.