DonorsChoose 2008 Challenge - update 2

My DonorsChoose board includes challenges like this one, for example: Science Trip For Our Amazing Urban Students:

The he students deserve this. I teach 5th grade at an urban, diverse, 86% free & reduced lunch school. Our school is 55% latino population, many who do not speak English and many who were born in another country. Our school has about 12 different languages spoken throughout it. Our students come from families that are very limited financially and we want to offer them an opportunity to go on a trip that will change their lives. This trip is a once in a life time trip for most of our students.

When teachers at our school introduce a unit on the beach or the zoo, most of our students stare at us blankly because these are not experiences that they have ever had. These are common experiences that most American students come to school with. Having these experiences allows students to make connections to the curriculum they see through elementary school. Our students, not having these experiences, are very limited in what they can connect to our curriculum concepts. This prevents them from meaningful learning.

We are planning a 5th grade trip to Seabrook Island on the Atlantic Ocean. This trip will be filled with so many new and exciting experiences for our students to have. It will broaden their understanding of America and our world.

While at Seabrook Island students will be continually learning and exploring our North Carolina Science Curriculum.

Students will...

-explore ecosystems of the ocean, wetlands, and forest.

-observe jellyfish, dolphins, crabs, snakes, alligators, etc.

-connect weather concepts with observable patterns over the weekend.

-connect concepts of different clouds and the weather they bring.

-explore the landforms of the coastal region of our country.

-explore forces of the wind and waves using tools and kits.

Your help will ensure that our students can afford this experience. Being a school with 86% free & reduced lunch means most of our parents will not be able to afford a trip like this. Our goal is to provide this trip to any student and family interested. By providing snacks and supplies, we will be able to bring our costs down on the families so that more students can have the trip of their lifetime.

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