My picks from ScienceDaily

Brain Structure Provides Key To Unraveling Function Of Bizarre Dinosaur Crests:

Paleontologists have long debated the function of the strange, bony crests on the heads of the duck-billed dinosaurs known as lambeosaurs. The structures contain incredibly long, convoluted nasal passages that loop up over the tops of their skulls.

Movement Restored To Paralyzed Limbs In Monkeys Through Artificial Brain-muscle Connections:

Researchers in a study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have demonstrated for the first time that a direct artificial connection from the brain to muscles can restore voluntary movement in monkeys whose arms have been temporarily anesthetized.

Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Linked To High Fat Diets And Decreased Physical Activity In Women:

A new study shows that unrelated to obesity, people with severe SDBs consume a more unhealthy diet, which may be a factor contributing to greater cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. These findings were most evident among women.

Being Altruistic May Make You Attractive:

Displays of altruism or selflessness towards others can be sexually attractive in a mate. This is one of the findings of a study carried out by biologists and a psychologist at The University of Nottingham.

Do You Get Interrupted A Lot? You May Be Giving Wrong Facial Clues:

People talk to exchange information. Yet understanding another person involves far more than just the content of the message. Only with the correct intonation and facial expression does the message acquire meaning. People can improve their communication skills by deliberately managing these non-verbal messages.

10 Years On, High-school Social Skills Predict Better Earnings Than Test Scores:

Ten years after graduation, high-school students who had been rated as conscientious and cooperative by their teachers were earning more than classmates who had similar test scores but fewer social skills, said a new University of Illinois study.

Gorilla Study Gives Clues To Human Language Development:

A new University of Sussex study provides evidence that gorilla communication is linked to the left hemisphere of the brain - just as it is in humans.

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