Mark Westneat explains why a scientist should support Obama


I am one of the millions of people worldwide without a fast internet connection. It would be nice to have a transcript or at least a summary because attempting to watch the video takes a half-hour or more of download time, if it will download at all. I am getting very tired of clicking on an interestingly worded Scienceblogs link only to find that it is once again a video of something with no explanation or clue about the content other than the exasperating teaser.

By oscarzoalaster (not verified) on 19 Oct 2008 #permalink

oscarzoalaster - In my case, my connection is not that slow but a 5-minute clip often takes 15-20 minutes to download and I agree entirely. I see this one will take over 10 minutes so I won't bother to watch it.

By Richard Simons (not verified) on 19 Oct 2008 #permalink