Natalie Portman for Early Vote (video)

...and Natalie Portman Wants You to Have "The Talk":

In a sense, this is also one of the videos of scientists endorsing Obama.


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Did Natalie Portman do the Great Schlep?

Eh, not as impressive as Danica McKellar who has finite Erdos-Bacon number. (Also, not to be too off-topic by why in 2007 is anyone still using covering toys as a way of testing object permanence? Hasn't it been well-established that their are too many confounding factors such as motor control issues? (I haven't looked at the study they did so maybe they justify it somehow)).

I want to have "the talk" with Natalie too, sigh

Eh, not as impressive as Danica McKellar who has finite Erdos-Bacon number.

Not so fast, Joshua: Ms. Portman also has a finite ErdÅs-Bacon number!

James F, with an ErdÅs number of 4.