Obama in Raleigh

Just got this e-mail earlier today:

This Wednesday, October 29th, please join Barack Obama in Raleigh, where he will talk about his vision for creating the kind of change we need.

Early Vote for Change Rally
with Barack Obama

Halifax Mall
Government Complex
300 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27603

Wednesday, October 29th
Doors Open: 10:00 a.m.
Pre-program Begins: 11:15 a.m.

This event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required; however, an RSVP is strongly encouraged.

For security reasons, do not bring bags or umbrellas. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.

He is finally coming close enough for me to consider going to see him live (ah, the beauty of living in a battleground state - who would have thunk NC would be one!). I am thinking about bringing the kids along (they want to go), but I am not sure that the venue is large enough for everyone who will probably want to be there. Four years ago, when Kerry picked Edwards as running mate they came to Raleigh and used a bigger venue on the NCSU campus - it was full (25,000-40,000 people, depending who counted). This year, the crowd should be at least twice as big - how about 100,000? I have no idea how that many people will fit downtown. And where should one park? Probably far away, then walk or take a bus.

Any folks from Chapel Hill, Carrboro or Durham interested in car-pooling?

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Get there EARLY! Mr. SiT and I went to go see him speak in Fredericksburgs, and 30,000 people showed up when they were expecting 10,000. We got there 2 hours early when the gates opened and didn't even get within sight. We still got within sound, though. So if doors open at 10am, I'd get there at 8am, or even 7 if you want to be in on the action.

I can't carpool because I live close enough to ride the bus (and avoid the parking nightmare that is downtown raleigh). The TTA has buses that run all morning which could drop you off blocks from the event area. They're free for state employees (or at least TTA is discounted). You can use this site to plan a TTA trip: http://www.triangletransit.org/

There is also this site for carpool planning:
i've never used it, so i can't vouch for it's effectiveness.

Hope to see you there. I'll be the guy standing and cheering.

oh boy, my office is just on the other side of that lawn... hmm, how long do these things usually last?

Oh wait, they are setting up bleachers and stages out on the lawn right now... and I can see it all from my window. I just have to get to work early tomorrow so yahoos like Bora don't take my parking space!

We got there 2 hours early when the gates opened and didn't even get within sight. We still got within sound, though. So if doors open at 10am, I'd get there at 8am, or even 7 if you want to be in on the action.