Survey on science blogging

Tamara Fletcher is currently studying science communication at the University of Queensland. As part of her course she is conducting a research project under the supervision of Dr Joan Leach from the School of English, Media Studies and Art History and she needs your help:

The form of the project is a short survey and analysis of scientists' perceptions of scientific blogging. As your participation in science blogging suggests you are aware, it is important to explore as blogging has the potential to act as a medium for two-way dialogue between scientists and the public, without intermediaries such as professional communicators or journalists, and is an ever growing area of communication
Many possible factors contribute to how blogging is perceived. The way in which scientists perceive science blogs the will ultimately determine the use of this medium as a mainstream tool of science communication.

As such I am seeking science bloggers (as well as academic staff and graduate students in various schools in science at UQ) to complete the short survey, at the following url:

Its really important to be able to compare and contrast bloggers and non-bloggers, and as such I would be especially grateful to anyone at who can give up <10 minutes of their time to complete the survey.

So, if you are a science blogger, please do the survey - it is really short and fast. Just click on "" when given the choices at the beginning.


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