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Welcome to the Obamaland!


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Hilzoy mocks a column in the American Spectator. A former Reagan staffer wildly speculates that: In this Obamaland vision the state would mandate that every heating and cooling system in a private dwelling include a "non-removable" FM receiver that would allow the government to decide the…
Yes, the science blogging community has certainly seen some gyrations in the last few years with a bunch of new networks sprouting up, sometimes from the ashes of other networks, sometimes completely on their own. The latest is Phenomena: A science salon hosted by National Geographic magazine.…
Many thanks to Afarensis for the kind welcome and the lovely virtual chess set. Also thanks to Orac at Respectful Insolence and to Razib at Gene Expression for their kind greetings. It's nice to feel welcome. Actually, Razib has already taken issue with some of my remarks. But that is a…
February is turning out to be quite a great month at Scienceblogs! Welcome, welcome, welcome, Alice Pawley, now co-blogging with Sciencewoman! Alice "wants to be a feminist-but-tenured professor when she grows up". I say, why grow up? except for the tenured part. That will be nice. And may…

North Carolina:

Registered Voters: 6,262,566
Ballots Cast: 4,281,715
Voter Turnout: 68.37 %

Obama/Biden 49.67%2,108,777
McCain/Palin 49.40%2,097,531
Barr/Root 0.60% 25,279

Difference between Obama and McCain: 11,246 votes

Those are some beautiful faces!!!!!

Obama 2,101,986 50%
McCain 2,089,826 49%

Difference 12,160

Is it too early to w00t??? I give one out for the general election, Kay Hagan and Bev Perdue
