ScienceOnline09 - Open Access


Continuing with the Program we have set for theScienceOnline09, here are some sessions dealing with the Open Access, the freedom of information and the world of publishing:

Open Access publishing: present and future:

This session is moderated by Bill Hooker and Bjoern Brembs:

The world of scientific publishing is undergoing rapid change. Where is it now? Where is it going? What will happen to Impact Factors? Will there still be journals 20 years from now? How will a scientific paper look like? Who will be the 'peers' in peer review?

Open Access in the networked world: experience of developing and transition countries:

This session is moderated by Danica Radovanovic and Vedran Vucic:

What is innovative and what is challenging regarding the usage of OA e-resources, social Web 2.0 software and media? Does science blogging in Europe (in developed and countries in transition) exist? And what are the forms? Main discussion is through interaction and different practices of participants, to find solution for the burning issue: how to overcome the problem of net/networking in scientific and edu.(online)community?

Providing public health and medical information to all:

This session is moderated by Martin Fenner:

Nowhere is Open Access as important as in the areas of medicine and public health. Health care professional and patients alike are not likely to have access to libraries of elite universities - they may work in hospitals, at small schools or in the field including in the developing world. What is being done and what more can be done to ensure that everyone everywhere has access to life-saving medical information.

How to search scientific literature:

This session is moderated by Christina Pikas and John Dupuis:

There are so many nifty tricks and strategies for searching the literature that an average scientist is not aware of. So: Ask the experts - the science librarians!


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