Public Forum - The Historic 2008 Election: Analysis and Reflections...

An e-mail from the Orange County (NC) Democratic Party:

The exciting and historic 2008 election stirred our souls and mobilized millions, but how did it happen? And what does it mean for electoral politics going forward? Bring your questions and your friends to a public forum presented by the Orange County Democratic Party and the Orange County Democratic Women:

The Historic 2008 Election: Analysis and Reflections

Hodding Carter III, University Professor of Leadership and Public Policy, UNC-CH
Rob Christensen, Reporter and columnist, The News and Observer
Ferrel Guillory, Director, Program on Public Life, UNC-CH School of Journalism

7:30 PM, November 20, 2008
Carrboro Century Center
100 N. Greensboro Street, Carrboro

Open to the community - no charge


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