ScienceOnline'09 - from the West


Hmmm, who is coming from the wild, wild West?

Two from Washington state: Deepak Singh and John McKay.

Two from Oregon: Bill Hooker and Maureen Hoatlin.

From New Mexico: Sol Lederman.

And of course a bunch of Californians: Craig McClain, Erin Davis, Janet Stemwedel, Alex Lee, Rick MacPherson, Neeru Paharia, Miriam Goldstein, Peggy Kolm, Andrew Su, Peter Binfield and Aaron Rowe.


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Thanks for recognizing New Mexico as part of the U.S. Not everyone makes that connection.

Here's a New Mexico joke.

Q: Why are seatbelts required in New Mexico?
A: To keep people from being abducted by aliens.

See you in January!

I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone in January!

It looks like I'll be the sole representative of inland California. I'll have to keep my jealousy of people who live near the ocean to to myself.