The Surrealist Compliment Generator

Give it a try. Keep refreshing the page and you'll get compliments like:

"May your succulent earlobes ever flap about my knees like a thousand wooden pigeons fleeing the local sawmill."

"Wend you not to wreak annihilable havoc with my tumefascent transmitters and turgid devices. "

"If you were a camel your humps would be esoterically bald from overuse."

"Madam! How your enormous foreskin shades me from the sun! "

"A kitten's growl would not come near the plights of your spoken voice."

"Your eyelids refract the turgid limnations of an eel trapped in flickering cinematographic paralysis."

"If you were a camel your humps would be esoterically bald from overuse."

"The quietness of a manhole cover cannot compare with the wild vapours of nylon I sense in your larynx."

"Your dainty nostrils flare with the humblest grandiosity of an ant swallowing a water buffalo."

"Hermaphrodites around the galaxy desire that you turn your rock and crochet bowl to its loudest setting."

"Garbage bins would be seventh with ivy to hold your face under a stone."

"In your presence even a batallion of body builders could pass the New York State driving exam."

"The expansion (and resultant rapid cooling) of your consecrated culotte sings the golden turnip with the mulatto touch-typist in my pants."

"You are as orange as a congeleen afro curled around the bony edges of a silver spoon expressing its innermost desires for a lime-based detergent."

"Your love is like 1000 caucasian carnivores playing mumblety peg with an eggplant."


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