National Academy of Sciences Survey

I get mail:

The National Academies want to identify the topics in science, engineering, and medicine that matter most to the public and that people have the greatest interest in learning more about. Once the topics have been selected, we plan to create a suite of educational materials (in both print and web formats) about each subject, with the goal of offering objective, reliable resources about complex topics.

We developed a 2-minute survey that we'd like to distribute to our key audiences. Readers of your blog are one of those key audiences and we would love to hear what topics matter most to them. Please note that this survey is just one component of the research we are conducting to inform our selection process for the topics.

Sounds like a great idea to me. So, read this:

What topics in science, engineering, and medicine matter most to you? The National Academies are interested in developing useful and engaging print and web-based educational materials on the topics that you'd like to learn more about. They invite you to participate in a brief survey. You can find that survey here.

In the 2-minute survey you'll be presented with a list of topics and asked to select the five that matter most to you. At the end, you can see how your answers compare with the results so far. And you can enter a drawing to receive a National Academies tote bag!

Let the National Academies know what topics you think they should focus on so they can be sure to provide you with materials that are informative and useful. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Go do the survey.

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I've been asked by the National Academies of Science to let you all know about a survey in which they'd like you to participate. Yes, you! Here's the blurb: What topics in science, engineering, and medicine matter most to you? The National Academies are interested in developing useful and engaging…
The National Academies is working to identify topics in science, engineering, and medicine that matter most to the public. They developed this 2-minute survey and we encourage Intersection readers to participate: What topics in science, engineering, and medicine matter most to you? The National…
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