Scientific American - special evolution issue

January issue of Scientific American is devoted to Darwin's 200th birthday and contains several excellent articles. Check out The Latest Face of Creationism in the Classroom by Glenn Branch and Eugenie C. Scott for starters.

But beware, there are other (and I would say better) ways of thinking about some of the issues in some of the articles, so check out what Larry has to say about Why Everyone Should Learn the Theory of Evolution and Testing Natural Selection. You may not agree 100%, but you need to think about it.

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I get e-mails about such events, so I thought I'd share, so you can attend some of these talks if you want: NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott will be speaking twice in North Carolina shortly. First, at 7:00 p.m. on January 27, she will be speaking on "Darwin's Legacy in Science and Society…
Today is Darwin Day. But, more than that, it is a very special Darwin Day in that it is the 200th anniversary of the birth of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin. This day is meant to celebrate not just the life, but especially the discoveries, of Charles Darwin. His theory of evolution by…
If creationists had their way, today would be the "Waterloo" of evolutionary science. Lab equipment would begin to collect dust, once proud scientists would have to find jobs flipping burgers, and creationism's Trojan horse (intelligent design) would successfully "reclaim America for Christ," all…

I hope this is just the right spot to land. We need more people to sign in and vote on the Obama pledge to Change America. Specifically on Education.I may be beating a dead horse here but it needs to be posted. Go here and please register to vote. the issue is creating scientific standards for public education. Currently we are in 2nd place, on Sunday when I started we were in 3rd. For those of you who have voted on this issue , Thank You. Here is the place to go to vote and/or sign up. We can and will make a difference.
Please note: The no child left behind (NCLB) is leading so far but not much. Obama has promised to tackle that issue. The current NCLB change offers very little in the way of positive change and does not address the very real issues of Religion in our science classrooms. Understand?
Feel free to post this as a separate issue if you choose.
Thanks again

I forgot to say the issue specifically deals with evolution. And also how ID and ceationism fit inot the curriculum. They don't. Give it a look Participate and be heard.

Thanks. I voted for it. I see lots of Creationist trolling in the comments