ScienceOnline'09 - introducing the participants 6


Let's highlight some more of the participants of this year's ScienceOnline09 conference:

April L. MacKellar is a doctoral student in the Department of Biochemistry at Duke.

Rick MacPherson works for the Coral Reef Alliance and blogs on Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets. He will be on the panel Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations and will co-moderate the session Hey, You Can't Say That!

Robin Mackar is the News Director at the National Institute of Environemental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

Kelly Malcom is the Editor for Internal Communications at Duke University Health System and writes for Office of News & Communications at Duke Medicine.

Jan McColm is in the Department of Genetics at UNC and the Managing Editor of Genetics in Medicine.

Jennifer McDaniel is a MSLS student at Catholic University of America (DC), library specialist at GWU and a blogger at Mystery Book.

John McKay is a historian and he blogs on Archy. He will co-moderate a session on Web and the History of Science and will be on the panel on Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations.

Paul Medina is a postdoc in the Brenman lab in the Cell & Developmental Biology Department at UNC medical school.

Glendon Mellow is a freelance artist and he blogs on The Flying Trilobite. He will co-moderate the session Art and science -- online and offline and the workshop How to paint your own blog images.

Dennis Meredith, the creator of EurekAlert, is a science writer and science communications consultant, blogging on Research Explainer.

Arikia Millikan is the intern at Seed and blogs on the editors' blog Page 3.14.

Mollie Minear is a PhD student in the Program in Genetics and Genomics at Duke.

Elisabeth Montegna is a graduate student at University of Chicago and blogs on SECular Thoughts.

Katie Mosher is the Communications Director at North Carolina Sea Grant.

Dave Munger is a writer, a blogger on Cognitive Daily and Word Munger and the founder and manager of (which he will demonstrate at the conference). He will co-moderate a session You are a science blogger but you want to publish a pop-sci book?

Greta Munger is a professor of psychology at Davidson College and the co-blogger on Cognitive Daily.

PZ Myers is a biology professor at UM-Morris, columnist for Seed Magazine, and runs the popular blog Pharyngula. He will co-moderate the session Hey, You Can't Say That!

Cameron Neylon blogs on Science in the open and will co-moderate two sessions: Science blogging networks - what works, what does not? and Open Notebook Science - how to do it right (if you should do it at all).

Michael Nielsen is one of the pioneers of quantum computation and a blogger. He is currently writing a book on Future Of Science.

Andrea Novicki is the Academic Technology Consultant at the Center for Instructional Technology, Duke University Libraries. She will co-moderate the session on Teaching College Science: Blogs and Beyond.

Bob O'Hara is the Acedemy Fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, and he blogs on Deep Thoughts and Silliness.

Shelly Olsan is the Communications Manager at the Krell Institute.

Ivan Oransky is the managing editor at Scientific American. He also holds an appointment at NYU Medical School as Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, and teaches at the City University of New York's Graduate School of Journalism.


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