Look what came in the mail today:

Emerging Model Organisms:

i-889337b13b571c3d452dc27f69e0b57e-emerging animal models cover.jpg

All exciting, but of course, I got it for the chapter on Japanese Quail. The protocol desribes how to make a transgenic quail. It sounds easy on paper. A few years back I took a graduate class and we spent the entire semester going through all the steps needed to make a transgenic bird. Nice to see this species getting a serious look once again. Will keep watching....


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^^ Now you're making me jealous.

And soon fruitbats. I like where this is going.

This is a fantastic resource - thanks! I gave a talk a few years back on what makes a good model plant for evo-devo studies. This would have come in handy back then... but glad to have it now.