Hummingbird 'Tag' Suggests Fragmentation May Be Part Of Pollination Crisis:
To find out the cause of what's being called a global "pollination crisis," researchers at Oregon State University have successfully attached an electronic tracking device to a hummingbird for the first time - and the darting travels of the tiny bird may be pointing the way to at least part of the problem.
Biologists Find Gene Network That Gave Rise To First Tooth:
A new paper in PLoS Biology reports that a common gene regulatory circuit controls the development of all dentitions, from the first teeth in the throats of jawless fishes that lived half a billion years ago, to the incisors and molars of modern vertebrates, including you and me.
Mathematical Models Reveal How Organisms Transcend The Sum Of Their Genes:
Molecular and cellular biologists have made tremendous scientific advances by dissecting apart the functions of individual genes, proteins, and pathways. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering are looking to expand that understanding by putting the pieces back together, mathematically.
How An Antarctic Worm Makes Antifreeze And What That Has To Do With Climate Change:
Two Brigham Young University researchers who just returned from Antarctica are reporting a hardy worm that withstands its cold climate by cranking out antifreeze. And when its notoriously dry home runs out of water, it just dries itself out and goes into suspended animation until liquid water brings it back to life.
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