Clock Quotes

History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.

- Thurgood Marshall

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History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure. - Thurgood Marshall
It's Memorial Day in the US, which is the official public tribute to the dead of our various wars. This is marked with parades, and ceremonies at cemetaries in towns all across the country. When I was a kid, we always went to the parade in town, which went from the center of town out to the main…
All last week I was silent on my blog because I wasn't feeling well enough to spend much time on the computer. So I didn't post anything when many other people were writing about the horrible tragedy at Virginia Tech. I thought about what I might say if I were well enough to blog and I concluded…
This began as a response to a comment by Eric Seymour in a post at In the Agora, but I'm moving it up here because the response became so long and delved into the details of constitutional interpretation so deeply that I thought it deserved to be its own post. It is addressed specifically to him,…