My picks from ScienceDaily

Climate Change Affecting Europe's Birds Now, Say Researchers:

Climate change is already having a detectable impact on birds across Europe, says a Durham University and RSPB-led scientific team publishing their findings to create the world's first indicator of the climate change impacts on wildlife at a continental scale.

Diversity Of Birds Buffer Against West Nile Virus:

North American scientists studying West Nile virus have shown that more diverse bird populations can help to buffer people against infection. Since the virus first spread to North America it has reached epidemic proportions and claimed over 1,100 human lives. "This is an important example of the links between biodiversity and human health", commented Dr Stuart Butchart, BirdLife's Global Research and Indicators Coordinator.

Archaeologists Find Earliest Known Domestic Horses:

An international team of archaeologists has uncovered the earliest known evidence of horses being domesticated by humans. The discovery suggests that horses were both ridden and milked. The findings could point to the very beginnings of horse domestication and the origins of the horse breeds we know today. Led by the Universities of Exeter and Bristol (UK), the research is published on Friday 6 March 2009 in journal Science.

Seven New Species Of Deep-sea Coral Discovered:

Scientists identified seven new species of bamboo coral discovered on a NOAA-funded mission in the deep waters of the PapahÄnaumokuÄkea Marine National Monument. Six of these species may represent entirely new genera, a remarkable feat given the broad classification a genus represents.*

Lake Michigan Fish Populations Threatened By Decline Of Tiny Creature:

The quick decline of a tiny shrimp-like species, known scientifically as Diporeia, is related to the aggressive population growth of non-native quagga mussels in the Great Lakes, say NOAA scientists. As invasive mussel numbers increase, food sources for Diporeia and many aquatic species have steadily and unilaterally declined.

Captive Bred Black Tiger Prawns Lack Lust, 'Prawnography' Shows:

A researcher has studied hours of prawn "sex tapes" to find out why prawns bred in captivity did not go on to breed well.

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A bird that was known only from two records from the 1920s has been discovered in the Pacific after a gap of 79 years. Sightings of the Critically Endangered Beck's Petrel Pseudobulweria becki - published by the British Ornithologists' Club - have finally proven the species is still in existence,…
The Antarctic Benthic Deep-Sea Biodiversity Project (ANDEEP) has been working on an unprecedented project to document marine life near the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. 80% of the isopods identified are entirely new species. Another species, foraminifera, single celled organisms with decorative…
Climate change is already having a detectable impact on birds across Europe. This is the message from a group of scientists who have created the world's first indicator of the impacts of climate change on wildlife at a continental scale. "We hear a lot about climate change, but our paper shows that…
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Rock Wren, Salpinctes obsoletus, in Chaco Canyon. Image: Dave Rintoul, June 2008 [larger view]. Birds in Science Scientists fitted tags to wood thrushes and purple martins in the north-east of the US before the birds began…

According to the Dr R.Grégoire, if the temperature goes up from 2 degrees: it is worldwide chaos !!!
Whoooââh! He wants to speak in soon or from March till August, 2009 from now ?