My picks from ScienceDaily

Missing Or Mutated 'Clock' Gene Linked To Vascular Disease:

The circadian clocks that set the rhythmic motion of our bodies for wakeful days and sleepy nights can also set us up for vascular disease when broken, Medical College of Georgia researchers say. Mice with mutated or missing "clock" genes are prone to thick, inflexible blood vessels with narrow passageways, unhealthy changes typically associated with risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol, according to research in this week's issue of Circulation.

Visual Learners Convert Words To Pictures In The Brain And Vice Versa, Says Psychology Study:

A University of Pennsylvania psychology study, using functional magnetic resonance imaging technology to scan the brain, reveals that people who consider themselves visual learners, as opposed to verbal learners, have a tendency to convert linguistically presented information into a visual mental representation.

Education Slowing AIDS In Sub-Saharan Africa:

Increased schooling across sub-Saharan Africa may be lowering new HIV infections among younger adults, according to sociologists, suggesting a shift in a decades-long trend where formal education is considered an AIDS risk factor.

Climate And Habitat Diversity Affect Variety Of Animal Species In Spain:

The Iberian Peninsula is one of the richest regions of Europe in terms of animal biodiversity. In this context, Spanish researchers have shown that the variation in terrestrial vertebrate diversity in Spain is influenced above all by climate. In addition to habitat diversity, the study concludes that, when all other factors are taken into consideration, this wealth is higher in the north (Pyrenees) and the south (Straits of Gibraltar), and is relatively less in the centre of the peninsula.

American Birds Sending Troubling Message About The Environment:

A new report based on 40 years of data analysed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, state government wildlife agencies, and non-governmental organizations including Audubon (BirdLife in the USA), shows that birds are sending an important and troubling message about the state of the environment.

Study Assesses Impact Of Fish Stocking On Aquatic Insects:

The impact fish stocking has on aquatic insects in mountain lakes can be rapidly reversed by removing non-native trout, according to a study completed by U.S. Forest Service and University of California, Davis, scientists.

Need Wild Bees? Plastic Totes Make A Superb Bee 'Nursery':

Corrugated plastic bins like the kind sold for handling mail and packages can be quickly and easily converted into a durable "nursery" for wild bees, according to an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) research entomologist.

New Device Helps Control Disease-causing Ticks:

Spring is finally here, and with it comes tick season. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are reporting the latest in a series of related studies on the effectiveness of an ARS technology that reduces tick populations.


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