Clock Quotes

Tobacco, coffee, alcohol, hashish, prussic acid, strychnine, are weak dilutions; the surest poison is time.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Awhile ago, I linked to an article about acetaldehyde (pictured), which is the toxic ethanol metabolite that gives people a hangover when they drink too much. This week, I read an article in the New Scientist about acetaldehyde. It turns out that acetaldehyde is found in more substances than you…
The excruciatingly witty and multi-talented David Nessle has been alerted by his erudite father to a long enthusiastic article about cannabis in the classic Swedish 1909 dictionary Nordisk Familjebok (uggleupplagan). This dictionary was in every home with any pretentions to literacy and social…
Strychnine is a well-known poison and detective novel trope with a moderately low LD50 (ca 10mg). You find it more often in NMRs these days. NMR jocks love strychnine for some reason. It is a pretty good example of a molecule with a hard-to-solve structure that NMR quickly dispatches - see this…
One of the joys of Bay Area living is the unusual headlines in the paper. To whit: Alameda County pot clinics can now sell hashish: The main changes to the ordinance, however, involve proposals that came during the ordinance's two-year review. The one change will allow licensed dispensaries in…

Good quote. I used it for the title of my new mystery novel, The Surest Poison, just published by Night Shadows Press. The story involves the dumping of a massive amount of trichloroethylene behind a small plant west of Nashville. The time factor comes in since the pollution took place years ago but is just now showing up through health problems in the area.