The Open Laboratory 2009 - the submissions so far, and the Submission buttons

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The 2008 anthology was noted in the American Scientist's Bookshelf yesterday!

Here are the 2009 submissions to date and, below them, codes for Submission buttons. Please use the submission form to add more of your and other people's posts:

A Blog Around The Clock: Circadian Rhythm of Aggression in Crayfish
A Blog Around The Clock: Co-Researching spaces for Freelance Scientists?
A Blog Around The Clock: The Shock Value of Science Blogs
A Blog Around The Clock: Defining the Journalism vs. Blogging Debate, with a Science Reporting angle

a k8, a cat, a mission: Moms asking for help
a k8, a cat, a mission: What does good mentorship look like?
a k8, a cat, a mission: Praise and Appreciation
a k8, a cat, a mission: Proximate mechanisms
a k8, a cat, a mission: The lives of women in science

All my faults are stress-related: Scientiae: surviving getting shaked and baked

Biochemical Soul: Darwin and the Heart of Evolution

Birds and Science: Caged budgerigars and invasive parakeets
Birds and Science: How do huge bird colonies synchronize?
Birds and Science: Fight and coordination in bird duets

Brontossauros em meu Jardim: Navigation is required*: the incredible case of the desert ant

Coyote Crossing: Spermophilus

Expression Patterns: A Squishy Topic
Expression Patterns: Mr. Darwin, you make me blush

Highly Allochthonous: Is the Earth's magnetic field about to flip?

The Intersection: Singled Out

Island of Doubt: Sea level rise a red herring?

Living the Scientific Life: Genetic Compatibility Drives Choice of Mates and Sex of Chicks in Gouldian Finches, Erythrura gouldiae
Living the Scientific Life: Let's Give Three Bronx Cheers for Bumblebees!

The MacGuffin: Topiramate Does Not Treat Alcohol Dependnece: Part 1

Made With Molecules: Hey Baby, what's your AVPR1A like?

Mad Scientist, Junior: Pretty Pictures That Toaster Takes

Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets: An Interesting Patch of Quicksand

Masks of Eris: Mathematics instruction as a fish

Mind the Gap: In which I ponder economies of scale
Mind the Gap: In which I tend a strange garden
Mind the Gap: In which I ramp up
Mind the Gap: In which I muster a hypothesis
Mind the Gap: In which I continue to suspend disbelief
Mind the Gap: In which the data back up our habitual suspicions
Mind the Gap: In which I wade through the fringes of textbook fact
Mind the Gap: In which I dally with both sides
Mind the Gap: In which I am given weird treasures

Neurophilosophy: Amnesia in the movies
Neurophilosophy: Brain & behaviour of dinosaurs
Neurophilosophy: Voluntary amputation and extra phantom limbs

Neurotopia: The Value of Stupidity: are we doing it right?
Neurotopia: Why I'm a Scientist
Neurotopia: Korsakoff's Psychic Disorder in Conjunction with Peripheral Neuritis

Observations of a Nerd: How big things relate to sex, stress and testosterone
Observations of a Nerd: Why I am not a Darwinist, but we should celebrate Darwin Day
Observations of a Nerd: Darwin's Degenerates - Evolution's Finest

Pharyngula: A brief moment in the magnificent history of mankind

Prerogative of Harlots: He Blinded Me With Science

The Primate Diaries: The Nature of Partisan Politics

Reciprocal Space: This is not good enough

The Scientist: On the nature of faith: Part 1
The Scientist: On the last days
The Scientist: On the passing of reprints
The Scientist: On saying goodbye
The Scientist: Ontology
The Scientist: Ontology #2
The Scientist: On winding down
The Scientist: On the weekend
The Scientist: On small victories
The Scientist: On the nature of networking: reprise
The Scientist: Grey Council
The Scientist: On interfaces
The Scientist: Coincidental Chemistry
The Scientist: On the Future
The Scientist: The year of living dangerously--Part 1
The Scientist: The year of living dangerously--Part 2
The Scientist: The year of living dangerously--Finale
The Scientist: What I want to do when I grow up
The Scientist: Inspiration
The Scientist: In which I watch the Watchmen, and land a new job
The Scientist: Ongoing

Skulls in the Stars: Michael Faraday, grand unified theorist? (1851)

Song for jasmine: Charles Darwin's first theory of evolution

Stripped Science: The right pairing (comic strip)

Suppertime Sonnets: In Which I Celebrate A Certain Member of the Lycaenidae Family (poem) The journal scope in focus -- putting scholarly communication in context

White Coat Underground: Journeys

Why Science: Beautiful and essential

xkcd: Correlation (cartoon)

And help us spread the word by embedding these buttons on your blogs and websites - clicking on them takes you to the submission form:

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