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Go say Hello to Ethan Siegel on his new blog, Starts With a Bang


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Say hello to newest Scibling Ethan Siegel at his blog Starts With A Bang, which I think is interesting and nifty, and not just because he has a post about tinfoil hats with a music clip of bluegrass artist Colby Maddox singing Shady Grove. Sadly, he does not list TSZ as one of his favorite…
Swiss astronomers recently discovered the small exoplanet, Gliese 581 e, calculated to have a minium mass less than twice that of our own dear planet. This planet resides within the same solar system as Gliese 581 d, which scientists speculate could be capable of supporting life. "With a minimum…
On the USA Science and Engineering Festival blog, astronaut John Grunsfeld describes what it's like to rocket into space. Astronauts first spend two hours strapped in on the launchpad, "flipping switches and thinking about our training and the jobs we have to do." They count down to ignition,…
In Ethan Siegel's ongoing treatment of dark energy on Starts With A Bang!, he considers a number of alternative explanations for the dimming of redshifted supernovae. Could photon-axion oscillations be to blame, or does a "grey dust" pervade our universe? In another post, Siegel appreciates that…