Happily Ever After

When reading fairy tales as a kid, I always wondered at the end how that 'happily ever after' looked like. I never imagined it, in my childhood innocence, that it would be like this:


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Snow & PC moved to New York, along with his two other ex-wives and a slew of their fellow Fables.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 18 Apr 2009 #permalink

Have you never seen the "Happily Never After" movie?!

Just FYI, the "Happily Ever After" ending to Ms White's story is obviously a snow job and has been dwarfed by subsequent tales. The HEA is owned by Apple.

Sleeping Beauty's HEA has been completely controlled by spin doctors for years.

Hansel & Gretels' HEA was nothing but a half-baked idea.

And Thumbelina's HEA is of little account.