The Best of April

April was a busy month, so I posted only 145 times. Also, posts that would have been just simple links and one-liners are now more likely to be found on Twitter (from which I import the feeds into FriendFeed and Facebook).

Go through the April archives - lots of news and several excellent (or very funny) videos to be found there - but here are the "more serious" posts of the past month:

First, there were several interesting events in April, often populated by friendly bloggers, e.g., Seder, Triangle Blogger Bash at DPAC and Triangle Tweetup Tonight.

Probably the most thoughtful (and perhaps provocative) post of the month was ScienceOnline'09 - Saturday 4:30pm and beyond: the Question of Power.

We had long and interesting discussions in the comment threads of Eliminate peer-review of baseline grants entirely? and Why eliminate the peer-review of baseline grants? as well as on Hey, You Can't Say That! Or can you?

Still on my New Journalism track, I posted 'Journalists vs. Blogs' is bad framing and New Journalistic Workflow. The latter explained, among else, the concept of Mindcasting, so I decided to try it out myself, and the result was a huge comment thread on Do you love or hate Cilantro?

I collected Bora's Links on (Science) Journalism for a reason that will be revealed to you tomorrow.

Speaking of newspapers, please check out In today's papers....

Back to science, I highlighted some very nice articles about sleep. and re-posted several posts from the Friday Weird Sex Blogging archives.

I barely touched politics all month, except briefly in How Obama uses Behavioral Economics to change our habits

On the professional side, I wrote about the new PLoS ONE Collections and announced the very first Blog Post Of The Month at PLoS ONE.

Speaking of PLoS, I have also been posting a lot on Check out these posts of mine there: Blog Post Of The Month - March 2009, Academic Editor Interview - Adam Ratner, Why you should post comments, notes and ratings on PLoS ONE articles, PLoS ONE Collections, Academic Editor Interview - Craig McClain and Rating articles in PLoS ONE.

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Interesting that the one liners/links are going to twitter/etc. It might be nice if they were still here, perhaps as an and of the day, or every to day aggregation, or as a sidebar thingie.

My April summary can be accessed with the link that is my name, below.

I thought about it. I saw some people do that. I may have too many tweets per day, though. Also, my tweets are exported to my FriendFeed and I have a FF widget on the sidebar so they are all visible here.