Clock Quotes

I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude.

- Judith M. Knowlton

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Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex « OkTrends "Gay issues have been in the news a lot lately, from the debate over same-sex marriage in Congress to a sickening rash of gay-bashing here in New York City. We see a lot of emotion out there, instead of information, and we wanted to provide some data-based…
Earlier this week, Ed Yong posted an interesting discussion about psychological research that suggests people have a moral thermostat, keeping them from behaving too badly -- or too well: Through three psychological experiments, Sonya Sachdeva from Northwestern University found that people who are…
Over the last week or so, I've noticed (or had brought to my attention) a series of articles discussing a phenomenon related to alternative medicine that I don't believe that I've addressed before, at least not directly anyway. I had filed some of these in my folder of topics for blogging, but…