2009 3QuarksDaily Blogging Prize in Science - voting has started

The entries are listed and linked here. Go and vote here.

If you are interested in voting for me (but there are many other good choices, of course), know that to date the Archaea post got 0 votes, the Shock-Value got 2 and the others got 1 vote each. Perhaps we can do better (it appears impossible to vote more than once, so choose wisely).


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Right now it is like this:

A Blog Around The Clock: Circadian Rhythm of Aggression in Crayfish: 0.24% (2 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Co-Researching spaces for Freelance Scientists?: 0% (0 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Defining the Journalism vs. Blogging Debate, with a Science Reporting angle: 0.24% (2 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: The Shock Value of Science Blogs: 0.24% (2 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Why social insects do not suffer from ill effects of rotating and night shift work?: 0.12% (1 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Yes, Archaea also have circadian clocks!: 0% (0 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Circadian Rhythm of Aggression in Crayfish: 0.08% (2 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Co-Researching spaces for Freelance Scientists?: 0.04% (1 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Defining the Journalism vs. Blogging Debate, with a Science Reporting angle: 0.24% (6 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: The Shock Value of Science Blogs: 0.12% (3 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Why social insects do not suffer from ill effects of rotating and night shift work?: 0.36% (9 Votes)

A Blog Around The Clock: Yes, Archaea also have circadian clocks!: 0% (0 Votes)